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Undercover Artist Festival 2025

Undercover Artist Festival 2025

Hero Artwork Call-out

Thank you to everyone who submitted an entry.

Are you a d/Deaf or disabled visual artist? Here's your chance to shape the visual identity of the 2025 Festival with the Undercover Artist Festival Hero Artwork!

Your creation could be something new or a powerful piece from your existing portfolio that perfectly aligns with the theme, Push It! and colour blue. Whether you paint with a brush, create with a computer mouse, or experiment with mixed media – your unique perspective of Push It! is what we’re looking for.


The chosen artwork will take centre stage, becoming the key imagery across all collateral, advertising, and digital applications for the 2025 Festival.

The Theme

Push It! isn’t confined to a single interpretation. We invite you to explore and interpret the theme in ways that resonate with your artistic vision. It’s meant to be abstract, a canvas for your creativity to thrive. But here are some examples of what Push It! can mean: 

  • Pushing the boundaries - Challenging the status quo and redefining what’s possible. 
  • Pushing buttons– Evoking emotions, provoking thought, and stirring reactions. 
  • Pushing to be better, stronger and braver– Personal growth as an artist, pushing the limits of your capabilities. 
  • Pushing each other – A community of artists lifting each other up through healthy peer encouragement. 
  • Pushing for change – Being a voice for change, advocating and making an impact through art. 


  • 15 March  Festival Hero Artwork Call-Out opens 
  • 1 June  Festival Hero Artwork Call-Out closes
  • 30 June – Selected artist notified 
  • 2 September – Hero Artwork revealed 
  • October  Festival Expressions of Interest opens*
  • September 2025  Undercover Artist Festival 2025*

*dates to be announced