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2022 Early Career Artist Award Recipient Maddie Little

Early Career Artist Award

2022 EARLY CAREER AWARD Maddie Little, Undercover Artist Festival Director, is the recipient of the 2022 National Arts and Disability Award for Early Career Artist. This award is in recognition of her work as an artist, advocate and mentor for artists with disability.   As well as leading and directing the Undercover Artist Festival, Maddie […]

Five minutes with Naavikaran

Five minutes with Naavikaran Undercover Artist Festival is all about providing a platform for incredible performing arts projects by artists with disability – and promoting their ongoing success. We’re so excited to see Brown Church this weekend at The Tivoli during Brisbane Festival.To celebrate, we spent five minutes with Naavikaran to ask some quick questions about her time […]


Two people standing close together for a photo outside. Louise Bezzina (left) is wearinga bright orange jumpsuit and smiling. Madeleine Little (right) is wearing a black top and pants and has one hand resting on a pink cane. They are both smiling.

A SHARED VISION UNITES UNDERCOVER ARTIST FESTIVAL AND BRISBANE Bending rules, pushing boundaries, spotlighting incredible talent – these shared artistic goals beat at the heart of both Undercover Artist Festival and Brisbane Festival. Harnessing this natural synchronicity, Australia’s premier performing arts and disability festival and Queensland’s most-anticipated major arts and cultural festival join forces in 2021 […]

Zooming into Undercover Artist Festival 2021

A photo of Madeleine's computer screen showing seven participant screens

Earlier this week, some of our #UAF2021 artists and I Zoomed into a meeting with UK-based artist Dan Daw. In just one hour, we discussed how we felt about disability identity and how it influences our creative work. We talked about how we are perceived by others and who our intended audience may be for […]

It’s almost festival month!

A blue washed image of Andi Snelling mid-performance. She is wearing a blonde wig and holding a phone up to her ear.

Almost two weeks until the Festival kicks off. Can you believe it? August has absolutely flown by! Though we’ve juggled lockdowns, restrictions, and difficult cancellation decisions, we’ve also experienced the joy of sell-out shows moving to bigger venues with other shows trailing closely behind. It’s been tumultuous, but we’ve made it! And now we’re back […]

Undercover Artist – Revised Program

A blue background with the Undercover Artist logo in white across the centre

Access Arts is committed to showcasing the boldest and brightest artists with disabilities at Undercover Artist Festival and is thrilled to announce the festival will go ahead in a new, updated format. As Australia’s premier performing arts and disability festival, Undercover Artist Festival is disability-led, showcasing artists across theatre, dance, comedy, circus, music, cabaret, poetry and […]

Happy Disability Pride Month!

Image description: A colourful image of people of different shapes and sizes, some standing, one seated in a wheelchair, shaping their bodies to spell the word PRIDE

It’s hard to believe that July has flown by so quickly. It seems like just yesterday we announced our Undercover Artist Festival 2021 program! It’s been a busy time for everyone, but I wanted to take a moment to share something important. Did you know that July is Disability Pride Month? A lot of people […]

What is Disability-Led?

A man standing with one hand held out gesturing to the audience. He is wearing a blue t-shirt and dark pants. There are other performers out of focus in the background.

WHAT IS DISABILITY-LED? Undercover Artist Festival exists to profile and promote outstanding work by performing artists with disability. Undercover Artist Festival is a disability-led Festival.   There are many ways of describing what disability-led work means.   To be considered a disability-led work at Undercover Artist Festival, a project should: be initiated by artists with disability, […]